Saturday, 13 March 2010

New Zeeeeeland.....

Its been a few days since we last wrote on here but we have used that time productively and are now in New Zealand. Elizabeth was an absolute star, what with working in the mornings, driving us places in the afternoon and being nearly 5 months pregnant she sparkled all the way.... and we would just like to say a big thanks and we hope you savour the pickled onion monster munch!!!! With the Hollywood tour complete and two full bellies of cookies and ice cream (for $1.50 the best thing since sliced bread) we said our goodbyes to Elizabeth and Zack, not before I managed to put my back out........again. this was about 5 hours before we got on the plane, pain killers ahoy!!!

We finally landed in the Land of the long white cloud on Thursday having set off from LA on Tuesday, this was a little bizzar and rather anoying as it is a day we can not get back, but if that is the price to pay for a short few days in LA I am happy everytime. so the bike box saga continues..... this time they did not 'forget' to put one on, instead the lovely baggage handles/customs officers decided to have a good old nosy and opened up the boxes, so after a very expensive trip to an airport shop Richard got to work with some packing tape, blimey, is he a worrier.......

At this point I would just like to update you (gloat) on the mini adventure score: Richard 14, Denyze 20!!!!!!!!!!! (disputed)[by the sore loser]

After yet another sports massage from hell, we set to work reconstructing the tandem, or rather for all who know us and my bike building abilities Richard built it and I watched. The best part is I offered to help out right at the very end getting some fiddly thing in (I am sure I should know the name) anyhow, this lady came along and took a photo, so there is a photo for ever more of Richard sat on the chair looking on and me hard at work fiddly with something or other with a bad back, where as in reality it was very much the other way round.

Christchurch city.......Lovely........will be leaving it tomorrow and heading off down to Ashburton, although if my back is anything to go by we may not get there and camp......

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